Pure Dental World

Pure Dental World

We just wanted to let you know that we have partnered with Pure Dental World to ensure that high quality dental care is available for our carers and their families. They are a British Company with their Treatment Clinic in Izmir, Turkey, a 2.5 hour flight from Stansted.

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BBC News London

BBC News London

Watch our General Secretary Robin Findlay on the evening news at BBC London and also on listen to him on BBC London Radio.

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3 Foster Carers Take on Government

Landmark Tribunal Claim

Three of NUPFC members are bringing a landmark Tribunal claim for foster carer’s employment rights. The Employment tribunal has heard the factual evidence on 20 to 28 June 2023. Such is the importance of this claim the Government, Secretary of State for Education, has intervened and has given evidence. The parties are back in December 2023 to make legal submissions.

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Retention and Recruitment Report

Retention and Recruitment Report

Disappointed that they felt justified in spending the money on this. More research and a report saying exactly the same thing with no solutions. Also from a union point of view, there is just one tiny paragraph on allegations, whats that all about?

The misuse and kangaroo courts of allegations control foster carers and keep them silenced working in a climate of fear. This acutely affects retention and also recruitment as foster carers are the best recruiters. What else do you find disappointing about this ‘research’?

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UK gig economy workers

UK gig economy workers

Because foster carers are basically like ‘gig economy’ workers, it means we are misclassified as self-employed when we are really ‘workers limb b’ as we can only work for one organisation, can’t work elsewhere, are told what we can do, when and how and have a contract, and we most definitely cant send a substitute to do our work.

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Increase in Qualifying Care Relief

Increase in Qualifying Care Relief

This tax information and impact note is about an increase in qualifying care relief for foster carers and other types of shared lives carers.

This measure increases the amount of the income tax qualifying care relief available to foster carers and shared lives carers, and automatically increases the relief each year in line with inflation.

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Increase in Qualifying Care Relief

Employers: recognise a trade union

As an employer you may need to work with trade unions that represent groups of your employees, sometimes known as bargaining units.

Trade unions will negotiate with you on working conditions, for example pay and holiday. You need to recognise the trade union before they can negotiate with you.

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What is the Ayanay Psychological Accreditation

What is the Ayanay Psychological Accreditation

Ayanay pronounced A an A, is the first psychological Accreditation Service in the UK to recognise, collaborate and support all professions that benefit from psychological awareness. Ayanay Psychological Accreditation, affectionately known as APA, launched on 4th July 2019, with a dedicated focus to Elevate, Provide, Increase, Create Positive Mental Health.

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