“I would urge all foster carers to join the union immediately for protection and benefits, as in the same way you can’t insure your car after an accident, you cannot join the union after a problem has occurred and in fostering standards of care or allegations can appear at any time”
Member of NUPFC

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Why being a member of the NUPFC is important for foster carers
Whilst the fostering of a child or children is certainly one of the most rewarding things you can do, it is no doubt without its challenges.
If you are an experienced fosterer, you will know that sometimes things happen that may place you in a situation where you really don’t know where to turn for independent and trustworthy advice – like an allegation. Until such times that the allegation is sorted it can be very upsetting for the carer and can have other far more complex implications.
Don’t make the common mistake:
When your provider – fostering agency or local authority, says they provide ‘support’ in allegations, this is rarely enough. They will not represent you during allegations, nor will they provide case work, or defence.
The National Union of Professional Foster Carers (NUPFC) provide valuable assistance and services to its members, including representation during allegations process, representation during standard of care proceedings, as well as helping to find solutions to problems that may occur between you and your foster agency or local authority.


We’re here to support you if things go wrong
The NUPFC is the first government-approved and certified trade union supporting and protecting foster carers. Importantly, it is run by foster carers and/or those involved with the care of foster children.

Membership starts from just £10 a month
You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that should a problem arise that may leave you feeling vulnerable, you will have the support of an experienced team on hand to advise you, or find you legal advice if the matter gets complicated.
Discounts for other family members
Membership starts at £10 a month for a single person aged 18 and over. We advise cover for others in your household that are also aged 18 and over, at a reduced rate* of only £4 a month.
*A discount code required will be emailed to you once the main person becomes a member.

“People have a right to their own opinions, but not to their own facts. Evidence must be located, not created, and opinions not backed by evidence cannot be given much weight.”
James W. Loewen

Member Benefits
PLUS discounts on holidays, trips and shopping.
AND of course… for your for peace of mind

Proud to be a patron of NUPFC
Actor, singer and songwriter, Anton Stephans, most well-known for his many West-End theatre appearances, was a foster child and knows first-hand the life-long value that a good foster carer brings to a child. Whilst he says he was one of the lucky ones and had an enjoyable experience in care, he knows that some children don’t, and recognises that despite good intentions, sometimes mistakes are made that cause emotional distress for the parties concerned.
Anton wants to see a more joined-up approach towards finding the right homes for children during their most vulnerable years, an objective that the NUPFC is determined to achieve. This is just one of the reasons that Anton is proud to be the Patron for the organisation.

I am very pleased to be an ambassador for the NUPFC
Christopher George (Actor, Model)
I am very pleased to be an ambassador for the NUPFC.
I think they are doing some amazing work helping foster carers and the children they care for when they need it the most.
I was fostered and then my carers made me fully part of their family by doing a Special Guardianship Order, but some children are not as lucky as me.
I understand the struggles my foster carers went through to keep and support me and I wouldn’t like to see that happen to other carers.
The SGO means that my foster dad has more responsibilities and as far as I am concerned is my real dad.
When I was younger, I wasn’t the best behaved child and because of the circumstances they have been through, neither are other children who are in or have been in the current care system and for this reason I understand more the struggles that foster carers go through on a daily basis.
I have become an ambassador for NUPFC because if it wasn’t for the help and support from my foster carers when I was younger, I don’t think I would be where I am today.