You need to be a member for at least two calendar months before any help and advice can be given.
What do our members say about us?

NUPFC Member

NUPFC Member

It was very good to speak to an advisor the other day.
I really appreciated her time and care. That made me feel so much better. Thank you so much.
NUPFC Member

“Thank you very much for your constant support and immediate response.”
“Thank you for making a difference and understanding.”
“Thanks for your help during the process it was a great comfort.”
“Thank you for yesterday, you were exceptionally helpful and knowledgeable.”
Several NUPFC Members

“I’m great now, got a gorgeous 8 week old baby who has a lovely Csw, I’m meeting my new ssw tomorrow so fingers crossed but I’m eternally grateful for your help and support x”
NUPFC Member

“I can only once again thank you and say once again how very grateful we are for your advice to prepare and read a statement at our re approval panel . I know it ruffled their feathers at the time and the ADM determination statement reflects this whole heartedly
Thank you again”
NUPFC Member