We asked and you spoke, what does ‘being valued’ look like?
💬 “Being actively listened to, relevant quality training, being treated like a professional and part of a team, not a glorified babysitter, transparency and honesty, support when needed not when it suits”
💬 “Making an appointment to see me and not just turning up but making an appointment and actually turning up. Being informed of changes instead of hearing about them from contact staff”
💬 “Having calls and emails returned in a timely manner”
💬 “Unity between foster carers and social worker”
💬 “Not being penalised for things outside a foster carers role”
💬 “Not sent meaningless cheap gifts or flowers, valuing is inclusion, transparency, equality between carer and social workers and teams.”
💬 “Valued as an important person around the child”
💬 “Having worker rights, protections and representation, Being treated like a human being”
Have you anything to add?
When you join the NUPFC you are truly valued: 

Date: 22/07/2024

“You only do it for the money”
“Foster carers shouldn’t be paid”
“It’s not right to talk about money when you’re a foster carer.”
How many of us hear this!
However it is necessary to discuss financial matters, although of course these conversations should not involve the children.
Why is money important in fostering?
– The majority of individuals interested in fostering are not wealthy, so foster carers need a reasonable income to cover their expenses.
– 64% of foster carers are unable to take on additional employment due to the demands of caring for their foster children. Consequently, the income from fostering must be sufficient to provide a reasonable standard of living for both the carers and the children in their care.
– Many children entering foster care come from impoverished backgrounds; it is essential to ensure they do not return to such conditions.
– Foster carers deserve to be adequately compensated and valued for the critical work they do.
If you have any issues around pay and are a member of the NUPFC we are here to help.
Don’t delay, Join today: 

Date: 23/07/2024


Janet Daby, MP for Lewisham East is the new Children’s Minister.
Janet worked in fostering, as a social worker and then as the registered manager of an independent fostering agency (NFA) and then as a social work consultant before becoming a Labour MP in 2018.
In April 2022 she took part in a debate on fostering in Parliament, and this is the question she put forward:
💬 “My hon. Friend is making a meaningful speech, including about her own experiences as a foster carer. She may or may not know that I used to be a manager in fostering, and for as long as I can remember there was an issue with the retention of foster carers and with those carers not being valued enough. Does my hon. Friend agree that the severe cuts to local government funding have had an indirect impact on the support that social workers can offer foster carers, which in turn has an impact on their ability to continue fostering and how they can look after, or manage the welfare of, a child? 💬
We will be talking to the new government and talking to them about the realities of fostering, from the carers perspective, and the crucial changes and reforms that need to happen.
Join us, we are the only government approved and certified foster carer’s union: 

Date: 24/07/2024

As a foster carer there is little peace of mind, little security or protection.
However as a member of the NUPFC that is exactly what we can offer, a little bit more peace of mind, security and protection.
Worth it’s weight in gold for just £10 a month.
Remember, like car insurance you must be a cover before anything happens, so don’t put it off, don’t delay it, join today: 

Date: 25/07/2024

An NUPFC member speaks out:
💬 “Children are human beings not numbers or statistics. Foster carers are professionals undertaking a duty most wouldn’t manage or entertain in the sense of demands, hours and expectations. Yet the current fostering process is entirely biased against the foster carer. It’s archaic and unjust and it’s time to overhaul the system. Foster carers are treated appallingly under the current system. Many are subjected to bullying and intimidation, scared to speak out for fear of reprisals. Standards of Care are invented should a carer question or challenge the SW or even higher management. Meetings behind closed doors with no representation or voice for Carers.” 💬
We are at the very heart of the campaign to fix this, why not join us, join in and at the same time benefit from the unique protection and legal framework of the NUPFC: 

Date: 26/07/2024


Boost funds for our cause – Join our Lottery – It’s the easiest wat for you to Help Us raise money!